Divorce Litigation and Family Law
No divorce is the same. Each one has its specific needs or requirements, and there are different routes within divorce that you can follow. These are mediation, collaborative divorce, do-it-yourself divorce, or litigation. You might not know the ins and outs of divorce litigation, which is why we explained it in layman’s terms.
Trusted Divorce Attorneys
Nobody gets married to get divorced. It is not a subject that ever crosses your mind when you say “I do”. The group of people that have a unique view on the downside of love, is divorce attorneys.
What You Did Not Know About Divorce Mediation
When you think about divorce, you often think of endless arguments with lawyers and around boardroom tables, as well as fighting for child custody, and about money and personal belongings. There is another way to handle your divorce. More couples are turning to divorce mediation as a healthier alternative to avoid entering the divorce boxing ring.
Get Divorce Quotes in Pretoria
One of the main things you will need to plan for when you are going through a divorce, is the costs involved. When you first file for divorce, and start getting quotes for lawyers in Pretoria to handle your case, you will soon see that it takes more than a few Rands here and there to get legally separated.
Hiring a Good Lawyer in Pretoria for Your Family
If you want to get a divorce or have initiated it with your spouse, you know this this can be a very challenging time. You might not know where to start or who to turn to when you need legal advice from a professional working in the Pretoria area. When you hire a lawyer that practises exclusively in family law, it can make the process of divorce less stressful and in many cases, less expensive.
How Hiring a Female Divorce Lawyer in Pretoria Benefits You
The days of women taking a backseat when it comes to their careers are over. We’re seeing more and more powerhouse women taking charge of their careers, and the divorce court is no exception. This is no surprise, because hiring female divorce lawyers in Pretoria can be to your advantage.
How Long Can a Divorce Go On?
There is no easy way to estimate how long a complicated divorce can go on for, as it varies depending on the unique circumstances of each case. A contested divorce will generally take longer than an uncontested divorce. Just as a divorce with significant assets or substantial debt will take longer than a divorce with limited assets and debts.
Can You Avoid a Divorce?
What’s more difficult, hearing your spouse say that they want to get a divorce or you trying to talk them out of it? People who have refused to get a divorce and managed to get their marriage back on track will tell you that it’s no easy task. If you don't want your marriage to end, the following advice may help regain balance in your situation.
6 Things You Didn’t Know About Marriage and Divorce in South Africa
South Africa’s divorce law is not that much different than in other parts of the world. However, there are a few things you might not have known about our rainbow nation when it comes to divorce. Here is a list of six unexpected facts about marriage and divorce law in South Africa that you might not have known.
What You Should Know About Divorce Litigation
There are many ways in which to get divorced. You and your soon-to-be ex can sit and make a list of all your assets, split everything up, and sign a piece of paper that’s filed with a judge. Unfortunately, nine out of ten times that’s not likely to happen. When it comes to divorce, the traditional route is often followed, which involves divorce litigation.