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How the Divorce Process Works in South Africa, and Your Best Course of Action

Within South Africa, divorce is a standard and straightforward process, but the emotional, mental, and financial consequences are usually tremendously complex. The route a separating couple opts to take during proceedings is important too, as it can mean the difference between a long-winded legal battle and a simple matter resolved in a few weeks. For this reason, it is always recommended that divorcing couples seek professional legal assistance. Here at Riëtte Oosthuizen Attorneys, we keep our clients’ best interests at heart and assist them with all types of divorce proceedings as well as guidance when it comes to intricate matters such as child custody and division of assets.

How Long Does It Take to Get a Divorce in South Africa?

Going through a divorce is one of the most destabilising things a married couple can endure. It affects every aspect of one’s life – from mental health to living arrangements. Often, feelings of isolation, loneliness, and resentment accompany a legal split between partners, and it is imperative that anyone going through this life-changing event seeks professional assistance quickly.

The Advantages of Finding Divorce Lawyers in Pretoria That Truly Care

During a divorce, it is not uncommon to feel alone, unsupported, and as though nobody takes the time to understand your side of the story. What many people do not realise is that finding divorce lawyers that provide guidance during a legal separation offers invaluable support and advocacy on behalf of the client.

10 Tips for Finding a Family and Divorce Law Attorney Near You

There are plenty of ethical and trustworthy family and divorce attorneys within South Africa, but linking with such professionals becomes a challenge when you simply don’t know where to turn. It is important to understand that by the time someone is seeking legal assistance in the field of family or divorce law, they have probably already undergone a major life change or dealt with a crisis.

Get the Right Divorce Advice from Your Attorney

Difficult and oftentimes traumatic, divorce is one of the most challenging hardships an individual can face. This process becomes even more complicated when children, finances, and assets are tied up in the conflict. Navigating these circumstances alone is simply too much for many couples, which is why DIY divorces don’t always pan out as expected.

How We Can Assist You with Family Law Matters that Arise from Divorce

Divorce is extraordinarily complex. As professionals in the matter since the year 2000, we understand that legal separation from a spouse is never a one-size-fits-all mould. There is almost always one complication or another, even for couples committed to as seamless a divorce as possible. The fact is that neither side wants to be done in or settle for an unpleasant outcome.

Don’t Do It Solo: Why You Need an Attorney to Help with Your Divorce

In the wake of lockdown, you have chosen to end your marriage, but you are wondering what the next steps are and whether you need an attorney by your side. Marriage is not always easy.

Why a Consultation with a Specialised Attorney Might Be Your Best Shot at a Smooth Divorce

It is quite rare to hear someone state that their split from their spouse was easy or hassle-free. Divorce is seldom a straightforward scenario, even if both parties fully agree to the terms and how best to move forward. There is still a degree of emotional intensity and baggage that comes along with divorcing one’s partner, and making decisions with a clear head and impartiality is not always possible.

The Dos and Don’ts When Choosing a Divorce Lawyer

When you are looking for a divorce lawyer, it is important not to choose the first lawyer that crosses your path. Instead, it is better – and in your best interest – to hire somebody who specialises in this type of law. Divorce is a complicated, expensive, and sometimes a messy process. As such, you do not want to waste your time and money or risk losing more than you bargained for in the divorce.

Why More South Africans Are Opting to Save Time and Money Through Uncontested Divorce

Whether a couple is in mutual agreement about a split or not, divorce is never easy or seamless. It is not uncommon to experience profound feelings of loss and grief, and even those with a strong emotional support system may feel caught by surprise at the lifestyle changes that take place at the beginning of the separation.