Divorces | How to Prepare for Divorces | Tips from Attorneys

Divorces: The Importance of Preparation

Divorces are never easy, even when they are straightforward and uncontested. When there’s a chance that a divorce will be contested, children will be affected and there is a substantial amount of assets to divide, the importance of preparation cannot be overstated. At Riëtte Oosthuizen Attorneys, we understand that divorces begin long before the papers are served. The following advice will prepare you in the best possible way, as early as possible.

Key Steps in Preparation for Divorces

  1. Find a qualified divorce attorney: This is step number one for a reason. If the divorce can proceed without litigation, then both sides can save a great deal of money in court and legal fees. Negotiating an amicable settlement without the involvement of the court is just one of the many ways in which the support of a professional can assist you from the very onset.
  2. Gather financial information: Make sure to thoroughly acquaint yourself with the full financial picture of what you and your spouse share. Compile a comprehensive list of the possessions you own together, and any debts you owe, so that all assets are on the table when negotiations begin.
  3. Prepare a budget and, if necessary, establish your own credit: Compile a budget for once you are divorced. Your expenses may increase drastically as you will have to support two separate households on the same income. Being aware of your expenses will allow you to negotiate a suitable divorce settlement. If needed, make sure you have your own line of credit and access to money independently of your spouse should you need it.
  4. Don’t move out: While you may be tempted to create distance between you and your spouse during this difficult time, it can be detrimental to your claim on the house if you were to move out prior to or in the midst of the divorce proceedings. Please note that an important exception to this rule is cases involving abuse, where victims must take whatever steps necessary to ensure their own safety.
  5. Behave appropriately: A divorce can often put one’s life under a microscope, and, in the worst cases your every misstep, might be used against you as leverage. It is especially important that you are on your best behaviour and avoid any behaviours or interactions that might be compromising in the time leading up to the divorce, especially in cases where custody of children are involved.

Reach Out to Our Expert Legal Team

At Riëtte Oosthuizen Attorneys, we strive to make the difficult process of divorce as painless as possible by giving you the support you need – not just legal advice and assistance, but also our extensive experience and expertise to help ease you through this challenging time. If you are considering a divorce, contact us today to make sure you take the right steps from the start.